Sunday 22 September 2013

Summer Intern Challenge held at UBS

16 Aug, 2013
Students at University Business School (Panjab University) were introduced to Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT) during their summer internship. Fortunately, Bloomberg Institute was already ready with a summer intern challenge for students all over the globe and students at UBS were encouraged to give the test under this challenge.

Saturday 21 September 2013

The book review : Purple Cow

Palak Bajaj | MBA-HR 2013-15

I don’t know how many of you have read the book or even heard about it, but a book called purple cow does exist! I came across it in a library in the business section. My first thought was to believe that the librarian had erroneously shelved what appeared to be a biotechnology read. The book has an attractive covering with the intent of showcasing the content of the book in its very appearance. Its uniqueness begs to gain attention. It did gain mine.

Bitcoin : The upcoming International Monetary system?

Abhinav Chauhan | MBA-IB 2012-14
Anurag Sharma | MBA-IB 2012-14
This article has been published in "The Financial Bulletin” Vol. 2 Iss:2 pp.7-9 of ICFAI Business School (July 2013 edition)

The ever globalising business operations and their plethora of long distance transactions are representative of the face of modern trade. Internet has been a harbinger of welcome news for facilitating such transactions. The costs linked to such transactions though are humongous, owing to the involvement of third party financial institutions that validate and thus reduce the risk of fraudulency. What is significant is that this current model is trust-based. The transactions have a possibility of reversal, and thus high trust requirements. Also, with transactions crossing borders more often than not, a standardised currency medium that brings homogeneity is invariably required.

Private Labels – ‘A Middle Class Solution’

Shukrant Jagotra | MBA Gen 2013-15

With the number of brands and choices more than ever, the need for aggressive advertisement to survive or perhaps to build a brand image is more than ever. In the era of global competition, marketing, advertisements, campaigning have become a prerequisite for the success of any product or company. Most companies, if not all spend more on their advertising budget every year.
But on the contrary, there are some companies which spend negligible amount on advertising and are still not only able to survive but are also able to acquire larger market share every year. These are known as ‘Private Labels’.

Even the mightiest fall

Palak Bajaj | MBA-HR(2013-15)

Motorola, the inventor of the very first cell phone (cell phone was invented by Martin cooper of Motorola), sold its operations to Google in 2012. And now Nokia, whose 1100 was the world’s best selling mobile (250 million units), and whose name became synonymous with typical bar form factor cell phones, the name that echoed reliability and durability stands acquired by Microsoft.

Nokia was definitely a fading brand, with market share of 27%in India, lost the market at the top end to Apple and Samsung and that at the bottom end to Chinese and Indian home grown handset manufacturers’ assault. What can it be attributed to - Poor marketing, poor strategic decision or poor reactions?